Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 12

The Slice of Life Challenge has made a tremendous impact on my life.  When things pop into my head or concern me, my first thought and desire is to write them down.  I want to capture my thoughts and ideas in ways that I have never desired before.  I cannot explain this shift in my need to write, but I think it is something that will change me forever.  With spring break approaching, I am looking forward to capturing my days in writing and in picture.  I will be in nature mostly, so I will be writing the old fashion way (with a pen and writing notebook instead of my tablet).  I will post when I have an internet connection.  I hope everyone has a restful weekend and spring break!  Happy writing!


  1. Oh I hope I can get my blogging done during Spring Break!!!! I can't wait to read your reflections after some time off the grid!!

  2. That's awesome that you feel like a writer!

  3. Your post today makes me smile. It's so funny how a daily writing habit changes the way we see the world. I catch myself thinking, "Oooh! This could be a blog topic!" throughout my day. I hope your time away recharges and rejuvenates. I look forward to reading your spring break blogs!

  4. It's been hard during spring break!!
