
Friday, March 6, 2015

Day 6

In reflecting on my day at work, I had the opportunity to work with the elementary principals during their PLC.  We were working on the aspect of effective feedback.  In our work, we examined strong and week examples of effective feedback.  As a culminating activity, the principals reviewed a writing sample from a student and practiced giving success and next step feedback to this student based on their writing.  WOW!!!  What great collaboration!  Today was a successful day of learning for all of us!  I am looking forward to the weekend!  I hope I am able to keep posting! :)


  1. That is awesome! I am so thankful that they get the opportunity to give feedback and see the struggle first hand!

  2. I'm positive they were fortunate to have you working with them. Have a great weekend!

  3. Thank you for being an advocate for writing Sandy. Having the principals score a composition using the new rubric provides context and background knowledge. I applaud our district leaders for crawling in the trenches with us and grappling with struggle of providing effective feedback to students. I can't wait to hear more about this amazing exercise. DISD is lucky to have you!
